Kindergarten and Preschool Registration dates announced!

Lafayette Township School Hosts Kindergarten and Pre-school Registration

Lafayette Township School will host Kindergarten registration on Thursday, February 2, 2017 from 9am-12pm.  Pre-school registration will be held on Thursday, February 9th, 2017 from 9am-12pm.  Children turning 3 or 4 years of age by 10/1/17 are eligible for Pre-school.  Children turning 5 years of age by 10/1/17 are eligible for Kindergarten.

The following information is necessary for a successful registration:

 - Your child’s updated immunization record

 - Your child’s original proof of birth 

 - 4 proofs of residency (deed, real estate tax bill, signed lease, utility bill)




New this year….your child does not need to be present at registration.

Please call 973-875-3344, ext. 18 to schedule an appointment.






Registration For Older Students

If you are a township resident and have a child who did not attend Kindergarten at Lafayette Township School and would like to have your child attend First Grade (or any other grade) here in September, 2017, please call the school as soon as possible for registration.