This pupil handbook is provided to you as an important source of information useful to you as parents, Pupils and staff members. Please be sure to review this information with your children so that there is no confusion as to the expectation of the school each and every day when they arrive. Your children have been wonderful examples of what a pupil “should be” and we only want this exceptional behavior to continue in the future here at Lafayette.
The handbook will serve as a guide in the daily functioning of the pupils’ life at school. While every attempt has been made to cover all the information that is needed, it isn’t possible to cover each and every possible scenario that a pupil or a parent may experience. Individual incidents may require individual consideration or interpretation by the administration.
Please read the entire handbook with your child to become familiar with the rules and regulations included. Please complete the enclosed sign-off sheet and return it to the school as soon as possible. Please contact us with any questions you or your child may have.
Thank you.
Let’s have a fantastic year!!